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Understanding Various Aspects of Female Urinary Tract Diseases


Infections of the urinary tract are what are refereed as urinary tract infections Although it can affect any gender, research shows that women are more prone to UTI than men.  It is always important to understand various aspects of UTIs including their symptoms, what causes them, their prevention and how to treat them. Various dimensions of urinary tract infections are discussed below:


Urinary tract infection causes


The infections are caused by germs that enter through the urethra and proceed up to the bladder leading to bladder infections. The germs can be neutralized naturally by the body, but there are some cases when germs increases in number resulting in major diseases. Failure to treat the infections during its initial stages will result in major kidney illness.


Why are female likely to contract UTIs?


Women are more likely to get urinary tract infection at because their urethra is shorter and very close to the anus. In addition, some factors in women such as menopause, sexual activities and the use of diaphragm used to control birth also contribute to the likelihood of contracting UTIs.


UTIs symptoms


Symptoms of urinary tract infections includes Urinary Incontinence, bad urine smell, lower abdomen pain, pain when urinating, Strong and frequent desire to urinate with little urine.



What increases chances of contracting UTIs


Prostrate infections increases chances of being infected. Another factor is a blockage in the urinary passage which could be caused a by a stone in the bladder or the kidney. A woman sex partner can also infect her with UTIs. HIV, diabetes and other prolonged diseases can also make a woman vulnerable to infections. Another factor that can make you vulnerable to this infections is the strength of your immune system.


This is how you can reduce probability of getting infected


Eating a lot of fruits, avoiding sugary diet, keeping off from alcohol and washing up after sex are some tips to help you reduces chances to contracting urinary tract infections.



Are there any treatment for UTIs?


The good news about UTI at that it is a common disease that can be treated very easily. You can treat the infection very quickly if they are detected early. But you should not neglect any sign of this infection which could become more harmful requiring serious treatment. It is easy to treat UTIs infections as well as prevent it. Antibiotics are used to reduces and cure UTIs, while if the infection recur, D-mannose and hormone replacement can be used.


Great measure have to be taken by women as they can easily contact urinary tract infections. This doesn't mean men shouldn't take care too because the infection can affect everybody regardless of your gender.

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